Exploring the ocean through sound – seeing it the way they do
Academic research at OAL is important to us and we strive to publish our work in peer-reviewed scientific journals.
Peer-reviewed journal articles:
- Cheng, Z., Li, Y., Pine, M.K., Zuo, T., Niu, M., Wang, J. (2022). Association between porpoise presence and fish choruses: implications for feeding strategies and ecosystem-based conservation of the East Asian finless porpoise. Integrative Zoology Accepted Author Manuscript. https://doi.org/10.1111/1749-4877.12639
- Wilson, L., Pine, M.K., Radford, C.A. (2022). Small recreational boats: a ubiquitous source of sound pollution in shallow coastal habitats. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 174: 113295.
- Pine, M.K. (In Production). The influence of underwater noise from small vessels and what we can now expect. Acoustics New Zealand.
- Pine, M.K., Wilson,L., Jeffs, A.G., McWhinnie, L., Juanes, F., Sceuderi, A., Radford C.A. (2021). A Gulf in Lockdown: how an enforced ban on recreational vessels increased dolphin and fish communication ranges. Global Change Biology 27(19): 4839 – 4848. doi:10.1111/gcb.15798.
- Bates, A.E., Primack, R.B., PAN-Environmental Working Group, Duarte, C.M. (2021). Global COVID-19 lockdown highlights humans as both threats and custodians of the environment. Biological Conservation, 109175.
- Halliday, W.D., Barclay, D., Barkley, A.N., Cook, E., Dawson, J., Hilliard, C., Hussey, N.E., Jones, J.M., Juanes, F., Marcoux, M., Niemi, A., Nudds, S., Pine, M.K., Richards, C., Kevin, S., Westdal, K., Insley, S.J. (2021). Underwater sound levels in the Canadian Arctic, 2014-2019. Marine Pollution Bulletin 168: 112437.
- Dimoff, S.A., Halliday, W.D., Pine, M.K., Tietjen, K.L., Juanes, F., Baum, J.K. (2021). The utility of different acoustic indicators to describe biological sounds of a coral reef soundscape. Ecological Indicators 124: 107435.
- Hopkins, G.A., Gilbertson, F., Floerl, O., Casanovas, P., Pine, M.K., Cahill, P. (2021). Continuous bubble streams for controlling marine biofouling on static artificial structures. Peer J 9: e11323.
- Nikolich, K., Halliday, W.D., Pine, M.K., Cox, K., Black, M., Morris, C., Juanes, F. (2021). The sources and prevalence of anthropogenic noise in Rockfish Conservation Areas with implications for marine reserve planning. Marine Pollution Bulletin 164: 112017.
- Cheng, Z., Pine, M.K., Li, Y., Zou, T., Niu, M., Wan, X., Zhao, X., Wang, K., Wang, J. (2021). Using local ecological knowledge to determine ecological status and threats of the East Asian finless porpoise, Neophocaena asiaeorientalis sunameri, in south Bohai Sea, China. Ocean & Coastal Management 203: 105516.
- Halliday, W.D., Pine, M.K., Citta, J.J., Harwood, L., Hauser, D.D.W., Hilliard, C.R., Lea, E.V., Loseto, L.L., Quakenbush, L., Insley, S.J. (2021). Potential exposure of beluga and bowhead whales to underwater noise from ship traffic in the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas. Ocean & Coastal Management 204: 105473. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2020.105473.
- Fang, L., Lin, W., Guo, L., Cai, H., Pine, M.K., Wu, Y. (2020). Monitoring Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin occurrences in a highly urbanized estuary for informing conservation and management. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. https://doi.org/10.1002/aqc.3475
- Heimrich, A.F., Halliday, W.D., Frouin-Mouy, H., Pine, M.K., Juanes, F., Insley, S.J. (2020). Vocalizations of bearded seals (Erignathus barbatus) and their influence on the soundscape of the western Canadian Arctic. Marine Mammal Science. https://doi.org/10.1111/mms.12732.
- Cominelli, S., Halliday, W.D., Pine, M.K., Hilliard R.C., Lawson, J.W., Duman, N.I., Devillers, R. (2020). Vessel noise in spatially constricted areas: Modeling acoustic footprints of large vessels in the Cabot Strait, Eastern Canada. Ocean & Coastal Management 194:105255.
- Pine, M.K., Halliday, W.D., Insley, S.J., Juanes, F. (2020). Fish sounds near Sachs Harbour and Ulukhaktok in Canada’s Western Arctic. Polar Biology 43:1207-1216.
- Halliday, W.D., Pine, M.K., Insley, S.J. (2020). Underwater noise and Arctic marine mammals: review and policy recommendations. Environmental Reviews. https://doi.org/10.1139/er-2019-0033.
- Pine, M.K., Nikolich, K., Martin, B., Morris, C., Juanes, F. (2020). Assessing auditory masking for the management of anthropogenic sound sources. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 147(5):1-10.
- Halliday, W.D., Pine, M.K., Mouy, X., Kortsalo, P., Hilliard, R.C., Insley, S.J. (2020). The coastal Arctic marine soundscape near Ulukhaktok, Northwest Territories, Canada. Polar Biology 43:623-636.
- Bruno, D., Lake, M., Pine, M.K., Smith, J., Boubee J. (2019). The use of a novel acoustic ‘listening’ method for detecting pump impellor strike on down stteam migrating eels. Marine and Freshwater Research. https://doi.org/10.1071/MF19205
- Pine, M.K., Schmitt, P., Culloch, R.M., Lieber, L., Kregting, L.T. (2019). Providing ecological context to anthropogenic subsea noise: Assessing listening space reductions of marine mammals from tidal energy devices. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 103: 49-57.
- Halliday, W.D., Pine, M.K., Insley, S.J., Soares, R.N., Kortsalo, P., Mouy, X. (2019) Acoustic detections of Arctic marine mammals near Ulukhaktok, Northwest Territories. Canadian Journal of Zoology 97:72-80.
- Schmitt, P., Pine, M.K., Culloch, R.M., Lieber, L., Kregting, L.T. (2018). Noise characterization of a sub-sea tidal kite. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 144(5): EL441
- Halliday, W.D., Pine, M.K., Bose, A.P.H., Balshine, S., Juanes, F. (2018) The plainfin midshipman’s soundscape at two sites around Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Marine Ecology Progress Series 603:189-200.
- Pine, M.K., Hannay, D.E., Insley, S.J., Halliday, W.D., Juanes, F. (2018). Assessing vessel slowdown for reducing auditory masking for marine mammals and fish of the western Canadian Arctic. Marine Pollution Bulletin 135: 290-302.
- Cheng, Z., Pine, M.K., Huang, S., Wang, D., Wu, H. Wang, K. (2018). A case of epimeletic behavior and associated acoustic records of Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins (Sousa chinensis). Journal of Mammalogy 99(5): 1112-1119.
- Riera, A., Rountree, R.A., Pine, M.K., Juanes, F. (2018). Sounds of Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida) in captivity: A preliminary description. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 143(5):EL317-EL321.
- Archer, S.K., Halliday, W.D., Riera, A. Mouy X., Pine, M.K., Chu, J.W.F., Dunham, A., Juanes, F. (2018). The first description of a glass sponge reef soundscape reveals fish calls and elevated sound pressure levels. Marine Ecology Progress Series 595: 245-252.
- Pine, M.K., Wang, D., Porter, L., Wang, K. (2017). Investigating the spatiotemporal variation of fish choruses to help identify important foraging habitat for Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins, Sousa chinensis. ICES Journal of Marine Science, doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsx197.
- Halliday, W.D., Insley, S.J., Hilliard, C., de Jong, T., Pine, M.K. (2017). Potential impacts of shipping noise on marine mammals in the western Canadian Arctic. Marine Pollution Bulletin 123: 73-82.
- Fang, L., Wu, Y., Wang, K., Pine, M.K., Wang, D., Li, S. (2017). The echolocation transmission beam of free-ranging Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins (Sousa chinensis). Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 142(2):771-779.
- Platto, S., Zhang, C. Pine, M.K., Yang, L.G., Feng, W.K., Irwin, A., Wang, D. (2017). Behavioural laterality in Yangtze finless porpoises (Neophocaena asiaeorientalis asiaeorientalis): Preliminary observations. Behavioural Processes 140:104-114.
- Cheng, Z. Wang, D., Wu, H., Huang, S., Pine, M.K., Peng, C., Wang, K. (2017). Evidence suggests signature whistle production in an injured free-ranging adult Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin (Sousa chinensis). Aquatic Mammals 43(2):185-192.
- Pine, M.K., Wang, K., Wang D. (2017). Fine-scale habitat use in Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins, Sousa chinesis, may be more influenced by fish rather than vessel noise. Marine Mammal Science 33(1):291-312.
- Pine, M.K. Wang, K., Wang, D. (2016). Monitoring rising ambient sound levels from vessels and impacts on Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins (Sousa chinensis) dolphin occurrences. Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics 27:1-12.
- Pine, M.K., Jeffs, A.G., Wang, D., Radford, C.A. (2016). The potential for vessel noise to mask biologically important sounds within ecologically significant embayments. Ocean & Coastal Management 127: 67-73.
- Pine, M.K., Jeffs, A.G., Radford, C.A. (2016). Effects of underwater turbine noise on crab larval metamorphosis. Advances in Experimental Marine Biology 875: 847-52.
- Pine, M.K., Jeffs, A.G., Radford, C.A. (2015). Eavesdropping on the Kaipara Harbour: characterising underwater soundscapes within a seagrass bed and a subtidal mudflat. New Zealand Journal of Marine & Freshwater Research 49(2): 247-258.
- Fang, L., Wang, D. Li, Y., Cheng, Z., Pine, M.K., Wang, K., Li, S. (2015). The source parameters of echolocation clicks from captive and free-ranging Yangtze finless porpoises (Neocphocaena asiaorientalis asiaeorientalis). PLoS One 10(6): e0129143.
- Pine, M.K. (2014). Marine Bioacoustics: The importance of sound in the marine environment. New Zealand Acoustics 27(2): 5-12.
- Pine, M.K., Jeffs, A.G., Radford, C.A. (2014). The cumulative effect on sound levels from multiple underwater anthropogenic sound sources in shallow coastal waters. Journal of Applied Ecology 51: 23-30.
- Pine, M.K., Styles, J.R. (2014). Underwater Noise Pollution and the Act: Simple guidelines for planners to assess reasonable noise levels underwater. Planning Quarterly 194:18-21.
- Pine, M.K., Jeffs, A.G., Radford, C.A. (2013). Underwater Sound Pollution: Planners are advised to consider the impacts of underwater sound pollution around our coasts. Planning Quarterly 188: 15-19.
- Pine, M.K., Jeffs, A.G, Radford, C.A. (2012). Turbine sound may influence the metamorphosis behaviour of estuarine crab megalopae. PLoS ONE 7(12): e51790.